I'm not really into the whole Nike scene, but my sister Kara is a big fan, so I thought I'd share these on here. I dig the purple like it's my job.
These "Heaven's Gate" Nikes were supposed to be dropped in their fall line this year, but they were pulled due to their questionable inspiration.
From Wikipedia:
Heaven's Gate was an American UFO Religion based in San Diego, California and led by Marshall Applewhite (1931-1997) and Bonnie Nettles (1927-1985). The group's end coincided with the appearance of Comet Hale-Bopp in 1997. On March 26, 1997 Applewhite convinced 38 followers to commit suicide, which he claimed would allow their souls to board a spaceship that they believed was hiding behind the comet.A pair of shoes inspired by a cult-suicide? Creepy!
A good reason to pull the shoe from their line? NO.
I understand the legal trouble with this shoe, but is it right to censor someone's design based on their inspiration? I'm sure there have been many designers who have drawn on other cases of death, cult activity/murder that have not had their art restricted.