I skimp when buying:Everything, for the most part. I cut my shorts, I wear things over and over.... Being broke in college is a drag... but a necessity in character building?
I splurge when buying:Perfume, coats, and bags
I always break this fashion rule:I tend to religiously rock the "Blavy".... I think Vogue confirmed it was okay... a while ago.
I never break this fashion rule:Short skirts and high heels will forever be a no-no.
Must-have item for Summer 2009:Acid washed cut-offs, heathered V-necks, brightly colored sneakers, and a healthy tan
Favorite store:Urban Outfitters, Rumors, Forever 21
Style icon:Alexa Chung
Most cherished accessory:Confidence!
Favorite item of clothing:Worn in skinny jeans, My perfect black dress
Favorite "fashion-y" movie:Breakfast At Tiffany'sGuilty pleasure:The exact same cardigan in a rainbow of colors.
Describe your personal style:laid back... and pretty Richmond.
I feel best wearing...pretty underthings
Personal style quirk:Bumps and bruises from EVERYTHING I do, one-eyed snake necklace
Most overrated item:expensive sunglasses. Why splurge when I get the same thing for $6?
Most underrated item:Pencil Skirts... perfect for every occassion!
Most stylish city:Oslo
When I was high school I wore...Freshman year: Jeans, Chucks, and a sweatshirt... how embarrassing
Sophomore year: American Eagle.
Junior year: Jeans and simple shirts
Senior year: Jeans, flats, and boring shirts.
Let's just say, my fashionable side poked through as I moved away from home....
Shine your own shoes?Never needed a shine... though I've always been tempted by the booth at Union Station.
Favorite fashion magazine:Harper's Bazaar, Vogue, and
Chanel No. 5, and Givenchy Amarige
I always dress my best for...Work, Interviews, and dinners out with the boyfriend.
The Vie En Ginger